Fuck The Weirdos

I was just booted from the Helldivers discord for responding to someone who started on about being trans with: “Nobody asked. Do you see anyone feeling the need to announce they’re straight here, or a fucking furry, etc? It has nothing to do with the conversation or the game at all.”

For fuck sake. Stop coddling these motherfuckers!!! Why is saying anything other than positive re-enforcement of this lunacy toward these weirdos considered “discriminatory” or “phobic?” Calling a fucking weirdo a fucking weirdo is neither of those. Anyone who’s different is a fucking weirdo. Vegans, Jehova’s witnesses, people covered in tattoos and piercings, etc etc. The rainbow flag crowd are fucking weirdos. It’s that simple. If they’re too soft to handle criticism and being judged like everyone else, they need psychiatric help. Get thicker skin you fucking weirdos!!!

They’re just as bad as Vegans at this point! Fuck their pronouns. Nobody cares! It’s not phobic to dislike a group of people and be tired of their shit. Nobody calls atheists “christphobic.” We get to talk shit about religious groups and everyone else, but somehow this group is protected. BULLSHIT! These fuckers react to every little comment like a black person being called the N word. Come the fuck on!

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Fuck Old People

Seriously. Why do we try so hard to keep these geriatrics alive past their expiration dates? The irony is that they’re usually the ones whining about medicaid/welfare when the tax payers spend 100x more on medicare to keep their wrinkled asses alive. Once you’re past a certain age, they need to stop greenlighting all these ridiculous heart surgeries and shit. A 75 year old shouldn’t be in the hospital for 3 weeks having open hear surgery. Fuck off and die already.

All these clowns running marathons and obsessing over health food. Making it harder and harder to find the fucking real food. Why is everyone trying to live forever? Being old sucks. You can barely walk, chew, or fuck anymore. Everything aches and shakes. Then you’re at the doctor’s every other week for something. Just fucking die. Plus, they’re all religious nuts. If you really believe the fairy tale about an afterlife, then get the fuck on with it. I want fat. I want sugar. I want pretzels that actually have some fucking salt on them. I love bacon. I love pizza. I’ve never eaten a salad in my life, and I never fucking will.

I’ll also never understand all the idiots supporting these geriatrics in politics. It’s one thing to favor one party or the other; although, I think both are fucking stupid. It’s another thing to be so into that shit as to support these fucking 80 year olds that refuse to retire. They shouldn’t even have licenses to run a car anymore much less run the goddamn country!! Get a fucking clue people.

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Fuck the Fucking Internet

It doesn’t matter how well thought out, logical, and relevant your post is. Some fucktard will downvote it. It doesn’t matter how general and vague your comment is, some fucktard will report it to try to get you moderated. Those people are the real trolls, NOT those of us simply expressing ourselves against the bullshit echo chambers and social norms. Independent thinking is no longer encouraged in society or on the internet, and it’s fucking disgusting. I’ve been banned from Reddit and Gamefaqs the same week. Bans only work on the computer illiterate, but it’s still fuckin irritating…

I’ve spent 1000s of hours playing Earth Defense Force games and answered tons of questions about the new one since I’m one of the few people who imports the Japanese release. Yet, I’m not allowed to complain about the fucking devs. No. One fucking comment with a link to their English support so others can join in complaining about the fuckers doing another Japan only port of a game that’s already been released in English FUCKING TWICE, and I get a generic perma-ban message. As if that’s not insulting enough, replying to it results in being reported to reddit itself. The reddit admins are impossible to get any real response from, but they keep letting this automated bullshit ban people for “harassment” for REPLYING to a GENERIC fucking ban message from a bullshit anonymous modmail account. WHAT THE FUCK!? Good luck appealing that shit too. Useless fucking garbage with a tiny input box. Is that the extent of the admins’ attention spans? 80 fucking characters???

Same kind of shit happened with Hitman 2. I was one of the first to complete all the challenges and earned over 1000 karma on that fucking Hitman sub answering questions, but you’re not allowed to criticise the fucking devs in any way. Oh no. How terrible of me. Some fucking baby couldn’t wait to ban me from that sub for bitching about the way the devs handled something back then. So tired of these fucking generic normie nazis who can’t handle anything the least bit negative being posted. Words are words, assholes. Get the fuck over it.

Then on Gamefaqs, I made a nothing comment in a post about PSN digital game pricing. Simply that “Only idiots pay full price. Everyone else waits for sales.” OH NOES! He called a vague non-dscript group idiots!!! Moderate him!!! Holy fuck. Naturally, I get pissed and go off in the dispute box because it’s fucking ridiculous, not to mention insulting. I’ve had that account for 16 years, mind you. Clearly, I’m not going to change, and bullshit moderations only annoy me. Leave me the fuck alone.

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Fuck Both Sides of the Gun Debate

One week, it’s “defund the police!” Then they prove they’re useless AGAIN, but instead of demanding answers, people are back to saying they should be the only ones with guns. Stupid much? You’re all fucking idiots. Guns aren’t going anywhere. We already have background checks. The loopholes you’re whining about are insignificant compared to other issues with law and government, and closing them would have changed NOTHING about recent events. You clowns just use every shit show to scream about the scary black rifles! They’re no different in functionality to 90% of other weapons in circulation. Arguably, an AR-15 is a terrible choice to use indoors anyway! So fucking tired of people who don’t know shit about guns thinking they should get to decide for the rest of us.

Change the age for buying? FUCK NO. How many 18 year olds do you know that can afford 5 grand in guns working part-time at fucking Wendy’s in the first place!? Assholes. I actually find it odd nobody’s trying to tax them and drive up the price more. Either we’re adults at 18 or we’re not. It’s way past time to get rid of the excessive age restrictions on other things. Literally everyone graduating high school and becoming an “adult” should find it insulting that there’s still a list of shit you can’t do with zero logic behind it, while other countries DO allow it. You can sign your ass away to die for the military, but you can’t buy a beer? Newsflash: Anyone that wants to drink before they’re 21 fucking does anyway. Telling them they’re not allowed just makes them wanna do it more. You can also sign yourself up for a lifetime of student loan debt at 18, but you can’t drop a quarter in a fucking slot machine. HELLO? Anyone seeing a fucking problem yet? I’ll give you another example: Excessive laws regarding the age of consent because they claim teenagers aren’t mature enough to consent…while at the same time claiming kids are mature enough to decide they’re the wrong fucking gender! Well, which is it? When is anyone mature enough to make their own fucking decisions? Most of you clearly still aren’t because you’re just following along with the rest of the sheep.

Then you have the GOP. All these years, the assholes keep trying to legislate their religious bullshit into law and the left doesn’t have the balls to demand mental evals for any of those candidates that are clearly fucked in the head. None of them are capable of debating anything without involving their fucking religion. It’s plain as day how biased they are. The left also never had the balls to decisively legalize abortion, which should also make prostitution legal because it’s the same principle. Women should have the right to do what they want with their bodies…that includes selling access to the fun parts. Nobody cares what your imaginary friend thinks of abortion. If you don’t like them, don’t fucking have one. The abortion thing is about to seriously bite them in the ass with this bullshit biased supreme court they’re also doing NOTHING about.

Let’s whine about the guns though. Totally ignore that the social security office has tighter security than that school did. They’re all government buildings. Oh, security is inconvenient? Doesn’t stop the fucking airports or the courthouses that feel like fucking airports. Why the fuck are all the offices still in the same building as the courtrooms, so we have to go through so much security shit just to file paperwork? People creating new issues while trying to solve others, and lack of real progress, as usual.

Red flag laws? Too easy for manipulative bitches and assholes to abuse, and too hard to fight. It lacks due process. Rights aren’t supposed to be easy to take away. Dumb fucks. Why do we have so many more prisons than asylums? Clearly, prisons are more profitable. That needs to change. If you can’t justify locking people up, you can’t justify taking away their rights. It’s that simple.

You keep voting in the same ancient, delusional politicians on both sides all these years. They refuse to retire, and you’re too stupid to demand it louder. Boycott the fucking primaries or something! Take a real stand. These stupid cunts on both sides keep trying to write the same anti-freedom shit into 1000 page bills, tacking on irrelevant shit to every bill they try to pass. Look at the stimulus bill with the fucking addendum allowing companies to sue Youtubers or some shit. COME ON! This country is absolutely fucked and people are just jumping on the bandwagon for every bullshit headline instead of looking at the real problems. They couldn’t even fix the fucking post office these past 2 years!!

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Fuck Reddit

Why is Reddit such a joke? All the admins do is protect incompetent, petty mods who perma-ban without warning or explanation whatsoever. Providing an explanation for a fucking perma-ban should be standard protocol by now. Anything less is fucking lazy. Plain and simple. The assholes let ANYONE run and staff subs with no oversight. You say one wrong thing on some subs, sometimes literally a nothing harmless comment and you can be perma-banned with ZERO recourse other than making a new account. If they catch the new account, THEN the admins ban both. Yet, they wouldn’t do shit about your unfair subreddit ban in the first fucking place.

My entire Reddit account has been temp banned several times and now permabanned over simple discussions with oversensitive mods. Where the fuck do they get off humoring these oversensitive fucking babies that are too stupid to just use Mute/Block and move the fuck on!? One asshole gets to run like 200 subreddits and be hated by half the site. But reply to a mod message with a mean response and get banned. Fuck you. I’ve been getting account banned and IP banned on the internet for 20 fucking years, and I still post wherever I goddamn please.

Responding to an automated subreddit ban message with a simple “Go fuck yourself” is NOT harassment. Big difference between replying to an automated modmail from some powertriping asshole and harassing someone directly on their private account. All they have to do to end the conversation is mute the person. Stupid motherfuckers!

I was literally banned today for making a SUGGESTION through modmail. Look at this shit!

Another recent ban happened on the hometheater sub. Dickhead banned me, started talking shit and refused to give an explanation. Finally stated the actual rule supposedly broken and muted me at the same time. Claiming piracy. I asked for recommendations on a media player box. They’re legit consumer electronics. Even nVidia fucking makes one! Never once mentioned fucking piracy. I even replied to someone about my legitimate use for them. I own 1000s of movies and shows on disc in multiple formats, and having rips makes TV shows easier to binge, especially when the assholes make discs without a “Play All” option.

Another time, I received a perma-ban from /r/news. Again, ZERO warning or temp bans. ZERO actual communication. Just an automated message saying perma-banned. So I reply “Go fuck yourself. Explanations should be standard instead of automated messages. Lazy cunts.” Obviously not the most mature response, but this lazy, petty shit is getting old. I get ANOTHER automated message, this time from /u/reddit about fucking harassment? Are you shitting me!? I REPLIED to an automated MODMail. I did NOT DM the fucking mod directly, but that’s what reddit is trying to imply. As if they can’t just mute/block me anyway. No, report me to the admins for being pissy about my ban instead of just muting me like the fucking babies normally do. SERIOUSLY? These are the kind of people who get to be mods? Clean up your fucking house, or stay the hell out of it when people evade ridiculous subreddit moderations. PICK ONE.

p.s. There should be a profile option to NEVER hide comments. Fucking annoying always having to click to expand comments cause they’re unpopular/whatever.

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Fuck “Normal”

I’m NOT “normal.” I never have been, and I never will be. I’ve been sitting in this room for 19 years now. Last time I worked was sometime in March 2003. I tried college before that. Quit because I wasn’t learning anything useful. I refused to memorize useless info about the AT&T monopoly when I was supposed to be learning how to setup computer networks. I never had any real direction. I just always wanted someone to love. That hasn’t happened, at least not in the expected way. Everyone else prioritizes careers and education so much nowadays it makes me sick. Should have nothing to do with love, but I’m basically undateable because I don’t work, don’t drive, and live with my parents. I sit here, binge watching the same dozen or so TV shows and maybe find a videogame worth playing once in a blue moon. I basically gave up. Never had many friends. Don’t have any that are local anymore. I was always socially awkward. After a certain point, I just had no use for people. The one friend who truly means anything to me is like 500 miles away.

My family is a total shit show. Never much cared about any of them. Haven’t even been to a funeral in 10 or 12 years now. We don’t have contact with any of them now that my mother’s siblings are fighting over my grandfather’s estate, after knowingly exposing him to covid in the first place and stealing a ton of shit from the house. So it’s just my parents, and I don’t give a shit about them. I’m literally sitting here waiting for the fuckers to die. My mother is a paranoid, overprotective cunt, and my father is just an asshole. Think I’m exaggerating? When he was raising chinchillas back in the 90s, I got to the point where I said they were his fucking animals and I wasn’t doing his bullshit chores anymore; he threatened to shoot my dog, and he fucking would have. I haven’t claimed ownership of any pet around here since and have also maintained zero responsibility for taking care of them. My mother? I don’t even know where to begin. Took me until I was almost 33 to find a first date, and that one dumped me after 2 months because she couldn’t stand my mother. It was winter time and the bitch always kept me from driving anytime it snowed. Psycho will threaten to disown me or have me committed anytime I try to go against her. Like I said, I’ve given up. SSI isn’t enough to live on my own, and it’s not worth it being alone anyway. I sit here waiting for the cunt to drop dead, so I can have my inheritance.

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Fuck Vegas

Sin City? Sounds more like Shit City to me now. Vegas always looked so cool and different, but that doesn’t seem the case anymore. One of the only places in the country still enforcing mask mandates. It’s always been portrayed as a city that never sleeps, but now a lot of places have shorter hours. How long has prostitution been legal in Nevada? Still not legal in Vegas though (Clark County). FUCKING WHY? and why doesn’t anyone fight that in the courts? It’s the same basic women’s rights argument that keeps abortion legal. “Women have the right to do what they want with their bodies.” Obviously, that should include selling access to the fun parts. RIGHT? Why isn’t anyone even lobbying to lower the gambling/drinking age out there all these years? Either you’re an adult at 18 or you’re not. You’d think they’d be all over that shit by now, especially after the hit the casinos took with lockdowns etc. Don’t say it’s a federal law, so is weed, and states are taking it upon themselves to legalize that (which I totally agree with).

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Fuck Linux

I swear the distro developers just want to make it useless on purpose. I always run LTS distros (Kubuntu, Ubuntu, etc). I’m getting really fucking tired of finding out about an app I need, running apt-get to install it, and the fucking thing finds the app BUT installs a version from like 2 fucking years ago! WTF!?!? “Long term support” apparently doesn’t include updating the motherfucking repository. Cunts. Call me crazy, but when I try to install a new app, I expect to get the most recent fucking version of it without jumping through hoops. Otherwise, apt-get is completely worthless to me.

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Fuck Software Developers

I used to write software. Some of the shit I wrote was rather complex too. Grabbing RAM from console emulators to compare, hex edit, and make gameshark codes back in the day, etc. Wrote a MIPS assembler/disassembler too. Did a little save editing in the 360 era but hated trying to crack checksums. I even used a library someone made to adapt my gameshark tool to straight up PS2 hacking via the broadband adapter. Everything I wrote, I did with ANSI C and Win32 API calls. Not totally platform independent, but not riddled with dependencies like shit is now. All my programs ran on any version of windows without needing any bullshit extra frameworks, libraries etc as well as running under Wine on linux.

Software nowadays is written by assholes who can’t really code. Everything is dependencies on top of dependencies, and it’s ridiculous. Nothing is a self-contained app anymore on Windows or linux. Every time I need to install a new app, I’m stuck figuring out how to install something else it depends on in linux or updating some bullshit framework on Windows. It’s disgusting. I’d probably still be running Ubuntu 10.04 if Chrome and FF browsers weren’t all cunty about dependencies and were compiled as compeltely self-contained apps like they should be. I still remember when Firefox was new and it was like 6MB. That’s how far back I go. I started with Windows 3.1 and DOS. Win 2K/XP were my bread and butter, and many others refused to give them up. I made peace with Win7, but I’ve mostly been running linux the past 10 years. Refuse to run Win10.

An example for you, I downloaded the linux (debian) version of a relatively simple app called SaveWizard yesterday. Naturally, it wouldn’t install because of bullshit unmet dependencies. It wanted some shit called “mono-complete.” WTF is that??? So I try apt-get install the shit, but that’s not good enough. It says it needs a newer version, so I have to Google the fucking thing to find out how to add the official repository, then install it. Then I can finally install the app I wanted. If they didn’t code like assholes, the Windows version would run in Wine like the software I used to write.

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Fuck Investment Bullshit

Seriously. Nobody is ever content just making money. Everyone has to complicate shit. Put it in the fucking bank and be happy. Fuck your Roth IRA, 401k, stocks, bonds, etc. Stop letting people fuck around with the money you earn. Just take it and save or spend. “Oh, but 401k defers taxes.” Do you think the tax rate in 20 years will be lower or higher, asshole? You might as well pay it now and get it the fuck over with. Fuck fucking Wall Street too. It’s one big circle jerk where the people with too much fucking money dick around with the economy. Shouldn’t even be legal. Normal people should NOT be fucking around on the stock market or having to worry about the banks failing because of it.

Look at all these clowns using bots and running their asses off to get PS5s and Xboxes to scalp then selling them for a measly $100 over what they paid. Seriously. Be happy you have the $500 to buy one instead of doing all that shit just to get a little bit more. I’m literally more annoyed at the people who sell them for 100 or so above MSRP than the people trying to get $1000 for them. It’s just a waste. I let my PS5 sit here for a while before opening it to see how high local prices would go on FB marketplace, but people kept listing them for $650-700 (after paying $530 including tax), so I didn’t consider that worth the effort or worth waiting until after the holidays to get another one when they restock.

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